NFT Vona – React js NFT Collection and Minting Template


NFT Vona – React js NFT Collection and Minting TemplateToday we want to share a design, a topic that is not known to everyone. NFT is a “non-fungible token”, a new method of payment on the Internet using electronic currency. Each of the NFTs is unique and exists in a single copy, it cannot be divided, and all information about its author, buyer and all transactions with it is securely stored in the blockchain.

Main Features

  • Fully Responsive, Compatible with all screen sizes.
  • Major Browsers compatibility
  • Clean and Modern Design
  • W3C Valide Code.
  • Bootstrap 4 Based.
  • Font Awesome Icons
  • Well Documented
  • Easy Customization
  • Well Commented Code.
  • Custom Icons
  • Friendly & Quick Support