WooCommerce NFT Importer


Start a NFT affiliates website by importing NFTs from OpenSea.io via their API. The NFTs will be imported in WooCommerce and will create affiliate/external products.
Key Features:

Import NFT Listings from OpenSea (via OpenSea.io API).
Compatible with WooCommerce.
Import NFT in WooCommerce as affiliate/external products.
NFT Single Product Page options/fields
Auction History tab
Collection Name, Photo and Link
Owner/Author Name, Photo and Link
Custom Fields
External Affiliate Links with refferal link structure
Perfect for NFT Affiliates (Reffer traffic to opensea.io from your website and earn commissions).
Easy Installation & Setup
Extensive Offline & Online Documentation, made with StoryBook
Fast as lightning and easy to use
Easy to use Settings Panel
Translatable & WPML Ready
Backend made with VueJS + Ant
Responsive Layout
Build your NFT Marketplace with iBid NFT Marketplace theme

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