Wieldy – React Admin Template Ant Design and Redux 2.5.3


Wieldy is a complete React admin template & starter-kit that follows Ant Design Concept and implements Ant Design framework to develop a react app. It has all the necessary react libraries to develop a robust small to complex application in a shorter time span. Wieldy can just not only help you in the development as a starter-kit but also you can learn advanced development with React, Redux, Firebase, Router, Redux-Saga etc. by following our pre-built apps architecture.

Features & Techniques

  • React 16.x & Redux
  • Redux-Saga
  • React Router DOM
  • Ant Design
  • Code Splitting
  • Async Loading
  • HMR
  • React-Intl
  • Firebase with APIs
  • Firebase Authentication
  • Google & Am Map
  • Re-Charts & AmCharts
  • Event Calendar
  • 200+ Custom Ant Font-Icons
  • Dynamic Routing Support
  • ES6 with Babel
  • Package Management with YARN

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