What’s App Chat Clone – An Ionic Framework ,Socket.io and Nodejs Full Hybrid App


This application has every thing what you need in IONIC App , this app is NOT a template nor a basic component , this is full fledge Whats-App Chat Code , with tons of component integration along with socket.io and has every thing what you need . This app is a SUPER SET of all hybrid apps found on market .
What’sapp , A very familiar chat engine code is cloned here with robust server side technology socket.io ,Nodejs and MongoDB as database and with same architure as followed by Original Whats app. This code is written on IONIC Framework is no where found on market with this robust architure and is only available to CODE CAYNON users at very good price. Also this code is tested on iOS & Android platform. (This supports window’s as well but we have not tested on any window’s device yet.)

1. Whats app clone with PhoneGap / Cordova Full Hybrid App using AngularJS + Ionic framework which is open source front-end SDK for developing hybrid mobile apps with HTML5.
2. Login with Facebook using Facebook plugin.
3. Support all countries and phone number validation’s implemented for every country (Example US based phone number are 10 digit where as Australia’s phone number are 9 digit etc.)
4. Contact syncing same as What’s App where we validate all phone book contacts with the one who has installed whats app and option to chat with them.
5. Direct socket chat with private messaging feature similar to whats app .
6. Added “Typing…” Features where a user get notified when other user is typing a message to them.
7. Shipped with entire Socket.io backend layers with required connection handling and handshaking mechanism.
8. Integrated with Node.JS JSON Api coded using sailjs.org framework and robust Mongo database integrated hence easy to scale if app goes to millions of users.
9. Customized Material Design based Edit Profile screen and option to change avatars and status message’s.

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