Tourism Tours Multi Vendor Android App


App | Features and Flow


App should be initiate from splash page, for the first time user, app should display walk through page to understand the application flow.

Multi Language LTR & RTL

Once App Installed, user should be able to select his/her preferred language and support Arabic RTL

Sign up/Login/Forgot Password 

User should be able to login into the application using form and validate his/her existing account details like Email, User Name, Password, Mobile no. In case of new user, user can create new account using his/her Email, Mobile no and setup a new account. Existing App User should be able to reset his/her password.

Subscription Solutions

Vendor can choose suitable plan from subscription plans to start upload offers

Create Offers for Vendors

Vendor can create any kind of offers by subscription plan

Many kinds of offers

Basic offer, Featured offer, static offers, Startup ads banner Offer

Two kind of tours :

Travel&Staying or Staying Only

All Tour Details At offer details page :

From country and city to country and city & airlines details & hotel details & facilities & price and more …..

Easy Search

Simple search page.


User and vendor should be able to manage his profile and make changes like password, profile picture, Name home address, work address etc.


User should be able to chat with vendor.


User can get vendors phone numbers and call him by easy way


Vendor can subscribe and pay online . (Payfort integrated)


User should be able to view the details about the company like about the company, contact us

Near me places

Help users to get places near of them


User should be able to get all notification which sent from admin panel

Admin Panel

Admin panel is the heart of the whole system, from admin panel, company top level officer can manage the whole activities of the system.

Login/Forgot Password

Admin user should be able to login via login panel using his/her credentials, in case of forgot password admin user can rest the password with the help of his/her official email.


Admin user should be able to view the dashboard of the system with below details, admin user can view all details by clicking on view more option.

  • Total Vendors
  • Total Hotels
  • Total Airlines
  • Total Facilities
  • Latest Vendors Offers
  • Latest Company Sign Up
  • Admin Can Manage All Vendor, users, airelines, hotels, offers, plans , vendors subscriptions and more …

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