Store Finder – Find stores around you – Swift / Xcode 12/ IOS 14 / Parse


With Store Finder you can find places around you, check their photos, phone number, email, ratings, comments and much more. No accounts required!. You can add new stores in a minute without releasing new updates. The app uses Parse server hosted in Back4App as a backend. Perfect for chain store owners or anyone trying to create a useful app for their community. We envisioned it as a “restaurant finder” but you can add any type of location you want: hospitals, museums, gyms, you name it!

Store Finder Features:

  • Group places by categories
  • Search: powerful search by keywords
  • Geo location: easily find the closest stores around you
  • Directions: Get to the place with help of apple maps
  • No accounts: this app doesn’t require user accounts
  • Ratings: let your users judge quality
  • Reviews: hear what your users have to say
  • Favorite: make a list of favorite places
  • Share: easily share on Twitter or Facebook
  • Email: users can send emails to the store owner
  • Phone: call the store with one tap
  • Description: add a description, opening times etc
  • Image Gallery: content is king, show your users what you offer
  • News: Keep your users updated
  • Website: add a link to the store website
  • Display your content beautifully