SplitWise – Wallet Manager | | iOS App | Swift | AdMob Support


Wallet Manager can help you to keep track of your income and expenses with quality info and keep track of your daily, monthly and yearly finances.

Wallet Manager can help you to keep track of your income and expenses with quality info and keep track of your daily, monthly and yearly finances.

Check the report of all your finances and keep track of your money in a simple and organised way to help you achieve control of your personal finance and budget.

Features included in the Wallet Manager :

– Create Income and expense transaction

– Choose from a wide variety of categories like Shopping, gym, recharges etc.

– Keep track of your income from categories like Salary, Business, Interest Pocket Money

– Get recently added finances on the home screen to quickly see what you’ve just earned or spent

– Track monthly transactions with all the stats related to income and expense.

– Track yearly transactions with all the stats related to income and expense.

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