Social Media Sharing App, Angular Admin, Laravel(PHP)| Newsfeed Chatting App| Complete App| WeShare


WeShare is a bright and stylish social media app where user can share their pictures and text with others. And another user can like, share, and comment as well on the post. WeShare also known as the Android social app, chat app with emojis, complete app, media sharing chat app, messenger app, picture sharing, post sharing, real-time chat app, social media app with chatting.

List of Screens

  • Splash Screen
  • Login Screen
  • home Screen
  • Search Screen
  • Chat list Screen
  • Chats Screen
  • Upload click Screen
  • Upload text Screen
  • Upload text copy Screen
  • Comment Screen
  • Saved post Screen
  • Notification Screen
  • Profile Screen
  • Followers Screen
  • Followings Screen
  • view other profile following icon Screen
  • view other profile Screen
  • Setting Screen
  • Edit Profile Screen
  • Push Notification Screen
  • Feedback Screen
  • Fail Screen
  • Sign up Payment Screen
  • Success Screen

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