Smart Orders Manager & Statistics for Woocommerce


Simple store manager with Statistics, Order Statuses and Admin Orders Page. Woocommerce 3.0 admin orders page is missing some important columns due to performance reasons. Allow you to set custom order statuses, mark orders with your own markers, merge orders and more features! It provides a Lookup Order Page for your customers and manage orders by products. It makes the store managing simple and convenient.

Features Overview

Additional columns you can enable to get more customer info:

  • Customer IP Address
  • Customer Browser
  • Customer Operating System
  • Customer Phone Number
  • Customer Email Address

Additional columns containing orders info:

  • Order Summary – shows order items & quantity
  • Items Metadata – displayed under each item. It includes the filter to exclude some metadata or to include only desired
  • Order Shipping Cost in a separate column

Managing Features:

  • Compact Mode – works along with Order Summary and allows to hide an order summary until you clicked it
  • Manage Order Notes from Table – you can manage order notes in Orders Table without viewing a certain order
  • Orders Merging – allows to merge orders made by the same customer, very useful
  • Duplicate Orders – clone any orders you want without loosing even a bit of information
  • Custom Markers – mark orders with multiple markers than can be customized
  • Columns Reordering – reorder columns in Orders Table
  • Hide Columns – hide useless columns in Orders Table

Features for Customers:

  • Lookup Form – adds the Lookup Order form into the My Account. It allows customers to see their orders info
  • Orders by Products – adds the page into My Account. Your customer now can see their orders related to products. Very useful for Wholesale Customers!

Ultimate Features:

  • Custom Order Statuses – create your own Order Statuses, fully customizable
  • Sold Products Stats – view orders related to products they contain

Statistics Dashboard:

  • Choose different date range and detailing
  • Total Sales
  • Top 10 Customers
  • Sales by Countries diagram
  • Top 10 Products

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