Rarle Taxi App 1.2


Cabbyd connects the customer to the driver. App has features of customers booking a ride and drivers accepting a ride. Customers and Drivers can see their rides history & more features. It has a total of 2 apps for Customers and Drivers.
Customer Features

Customer Registration & Login
Request a ride
Choose your destination
Cancel ride
Ride history

Driver Features

Driver Registration & Login
Vehicle Management
Document Management
Accept/Ignore a ride
Google map for Pick-up/Drop-off
Ride history

App features

Full source code shared (Both Customer and Driver)
Simplified installation and configuration
Easy deployment to production server
Respond quickly to user actions
Load fast and provide an offline experience
Well, structured and clean code
Clean endpoints
Best performance
Build with MVC architecture
Handled errors carefully and explicitly
Easily Customizable if necessary
Fully documented
Easy to configure

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