Quotes Widget – iOS 14 & In-App Purchases | Widget app | Xcode 12


The app as shown in the video demo. Feel free to ask questions before buying. The full source code contains all the UI code, widget code, and other configurations. Sharing the data between the app and widget is done via the Apps4World framework, this way it’s easier to share common code between multiple targets. The framework code is not included because you won’t really need it, there is nothing to change in the framework.

– The app will launch and the user will be able to change the background gradient colors, background image (library locally stored in the project) as well as font style, text color, and text alignment.

– All quotes are stored locally in the project and it’s very easy to create more quotes and categories. Whenever the user changes the category, the app will show the very first quote from that category. Only one category can be selected at the time, this way the user will be more likely to use the in-app purchase to unlock all categories.

– The user has one button to Show Next Quote, and anytime they tap this button, the app will load the next quote for the currently selected category. When the user reaches the end of quotes for a given category, they will be presented automatically with the first quote, this way they are shown continuously (in a loop).

– When the user adds a widget to the home screen, the widget will load the current quote and schedule the next quotes in the future. The refresh interval can be set by the user with a minimum refresh time of 5 minutes.