Quizix – Android Quiz App with AdMob, FCM Push Notification, Offline Data Caching


Quizix is an android quiz app with single text/photo question with two/three/four answer options. Simply add your category/sub-category/question from backend and all remaining tasks will be done by app. The application is fully native, using latest features of Android platform to provide the best user experience.

Quizix App Features

  • Laravel Admin Panel
  • Admob Banners, Interstitials & Reward Video
  • Firebase Push Notification
  • Firebase Crash Reporting
  • Firebase Google Analytics
  • Firebase UI Auth (Google, Facebook, Email, Phone)
  • Firebase Realtime Database(Leaderboard Data)
  • Add/Edit Tutorial
  • Data Caching for Offline
  • Google Analytics
  • Supports Tablets & Mobiles
  • Random Questions/Answers
  • Quick Quiz Round
  • Premium Categories/Sub-categories
  • Category/Sub-category Wise Questions
  • Photo/Text Question with 2/3/4/5 Answer Choice
  • Unlimited Categories & Questions
  • Backend Push Notification Panel
  • Splash Screen, App Intro Slide, Material Dialog
  • Question Timer, Sound, Vibration
  • 50-50, Skip Question, Negative Point, Answer Explanation Dialog
  • Share App/Score on Facebook/by Message, Email etc
  • Lifeline
  • Internet Only Mode
  • Enable/Disable ads per Activity
  • Press Back again to Exit
  • Enable/Disable Splash Screen after first run
  • Bulk Upload(Questions)

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