Pro Box Layout for WPBakery Page Builder : Displaying Post & Custom Post in a News & Magazine Style


Pro Box Layout for WPBakery Page Builder : Displaying Post & Custom Post in a News & Magazine Style

Key Features

  • Clean Design
  • Responsive Layout – Latest version of Bootstrap
  • Compatible with last version of wordpress
  • Easy to Use UI
  • RTL Support
  • 3 Types of Header Type :
    • Manual : Manual header let you to write a custom text and display it above the Box.
    • Simple : In Sipmple header you can choose a Parent category/Tag/Taxonomy and display that’s child (Sub category/Tag/Taxonomy) above the Box.
    • Advanced : Advanced header is most complete in comparison two previous types, In this type you can display custom category/Tag/Taxonomy as tabs above the Box with separate content with each tab base on selected tabs.
  • Heading Based :
  • This option is used just for “Simple & Advanced” header type. You can choose the headers will be displayed based on category, Tag or Taxonomy.

  • Heading Layout : There are 4 types of header.
  • Tab Heading Layout : There are 5 types of header.
  • Build Query : You can choose data source(post,custom post,page,…),number of items and order by. Then you can filter them by category,Taxs and …
    • Choose data source Select post types to populate posts from. Note: If no post type is selected, WordPress will use default “Post” value.
    • Post Count : How many teasers to show? Enter number or word “All”.
    • Order By : Select how to sort retrieved posts. More at WordPress codex page
    • Categories : Filter output by posts categories, enter category names here.
    • Tags : Filter output by posts tags, enter tag names here.
    • Taxonomies : Filter output by custom taxonomies categories, enter category names here.
    • Individual Posts/Pages/Custom Post Types : Only entered posts/pages will be included in the output. Note: Works in conjunction with selected “Post types”.
    • Author : Filter by author name.
  • Larg Item Setting You can set larg items settings.There is some filed option for customize larg item , such as : larg Item Layout, larg Thumbnail Size, Animation and etc.
  • Mini Item Setting You can set mini items settings.There is some filed option for customize mini item , such as : Mini Items Layout, Mini Thumbnail Size, Mini Item Desktop Columns, Animation and etc.
  • Set Animation for Larg Item and Mini Items
  • Full control in Carousel
    • Carousel Item Per View Set number of Item per view
    • speed Set Slider Speed
    • Hide prev/next buttons If “YES” prev/next control will be removed.
    • Slider loop Enables/Disable loop mode.
  • Other Options
    • Display Latest Post
    • Display Oldest Post
    • Display only category`s posts
    • Display Author`s posts
    • And ….
  • Get Offset: number of post to displace or pass over.New in V2.0
  • Filterable CategoryNew in V2.0
  • lazy Load Images: Load images after scroll.New in V2.0
  • Video Play On Lightbox + Show Play Video IconNew in V2.0
  • Display Post View Count New in V2.0
  • Display Post Ajax Like New in V2.0
  • Display Post View Count New in V2.0
  • Diplay Quick View Of PostsNew in V2.0
  • Show Sharing Button on Larg And Mini Section + Set Share Text New in V2.0
  • Add One New Layout For Mini Items New in V2.0
  • Show Read More Button On Mini SectionNew in V2.0

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