Pricing Table — WordPress Pricing Table Plugin


The best Pricing Table plugin for WordPress by Elfsight is a stable and functional tool that allows creating and publishing totally customizable and responsive pricing tables on your website in a matter of minutes.

What every online merchant or service provider needs these days, is to stand out against their competition, and to do that, you need to use every possible advantage. Online shoppers and customers tend to be pickier than real-life ones, and it takes some extra help to make them take the big step from research to actual purchase.

As part of this, a well-designed pricing page can become a crucial factor in your success. When it comes to choosing a product or a service, clear and transparent pricing is what every customer is looking for. Simple and graphic visual representation with comprehensive purchase information are the main components of a pricing and compare table that sells. Having tested our premium Pricing Table on our price page, we’re now happy to give you the opportunity to add this great WordPress plugin with a multitude of customizable options to your own website!

Complete Features list

  • 3 predefined layout types
  • Responsive widget width
  • Mobile optimized
  • 4 predefined skins, featuring different color schemes
  • 6 predefined column elements that can be arranged and customized to get the perfect look
  • The option of arranging columns’ elements in a preferred way
  • The option of customizing each column individually
  • The option of making any column featured
  • Each column’s color elements can be individually customized
  • 2 predefined types of border radius
  • Show or hide the column border
  • Customizable font size and weight
  • Fully customizable title
  • Totally customizable Features list, complete with feature icons, hints and unlimited number of features
  • 3 predefined feature styles
  • 2 predefined feature align types
  • The option of displaying price caption
  • Linking the Button to the required page
  • Customizable Button border radius and width
  • Ribbon option
  • Display any picture simply by pasting its link to Picture field

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