Say hello to Plax! It’s a Full, Native and Advanced handcrafted Android Chatapp with real-time Firebase backend
Best way to start your own chatapp as it depends on Google Firebase so you don’t need any standalone server (VPS) with high cost and starting budget.
Chat features:
- One-to-one and Group chatting
- Voice and Video calling(Using
- Voice and Video calls support bluetooth devices
- Voice and Video calls support headsets
- Video call supports HD+
- End-to-end Message encryption
- Real-time messaging
- Send (Text,Emojis,Images,Audio,Videos,Quick snaps,Stickers,Location and files)
- Reply messages
- Forwards messages
- Shake to undo delete
- Send VoiceNotes
- Typing and Last seen feature
- (Waiting/Sent/Delivered/Read) message indicator
- Delete for me & Delete for All messages
- Delete Chat
- Copy messages
- Star/Unstar messages
- Block/Unblock user
- Mute/Unmute user
- Led notification
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