oClassifieds – PHP and Laravel Geo Classified ads cms


oClassified is a PHP and laravel geo-location based classified cms. Almost zero coding required to build a most advance classified website. oClassified is a complete classifieds application solution with feature-rich classified scripts.


  • Laravel Version: 6
  • Geo Location Support
  • Artifical Intelligence Powered URL, Bredcrumbs, SEO
  • CMS Pages
  • Social Login (Facebook + Google Plus + Twitter)
  • Native Comment Module
  • Facebook Comment Module
  • RTL Integrated
  • Premium Ads
  • Regular Ads
  • Multiple Ads type and specific ads details page (General Ads, Jobs, Car, and Vehicles, Auction)
  • Intelligent Classified script
  • SEO Friendly
  • Sharing Module
  • Intelligent Categorised Ads
  • YouTube and Vimeo video as feature video
  • mage count or video at ad preview box
  • Related ads in ad details
  • SEO and Micro data ready for better search engine rank
  • Report from frontend for guest or registered user, if they think ad is offensive
  • Unlimited categories and brand create, edit, delete
  • Location (Create, edit, delete)
  • Switching file storage between Local and Cloud without loosing previous resource (Images, files)
  • Page management (You can create any page, such as About Us, Terms and condition, etc)
  • Quick Sign In
  • Clean and Modern Design
  • Multilingual Support
  • PayPal Integrated
  • Stripe Integrated
  • Google Adsense supported
  • Bootstrap 3 CSS Frameworks
  • SEO optimized
  • Translation Support (You need to add language from admin panel))
  • Social Share for Ads
  • Well commented code.
  • Fully Responsive
  • Amazon S3
  • Anti-fraud payment algorithm, made by us
  • Free update and support
  • and much more.

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