Myfriend – Friend Chat Post Tiktok Follow Radio Group ecommerce Zoom Live clone social network app
Application Features
- SplashScreen: Three seconds app logo screen when starting the app.
- Walkthrough: Added ability for users to advertise application on first run.
- Welcome: Added ability for users to choose between register and login with email or phone number on welcome.
- Email Authentication: Added ability to login & register via email
- Phone no. Authentication: Added ability to login & register via phone number. Auto generate & verify OTP.
- Forgot password: Added ability for users to recover their account via email address.
- Home: Added ability to see all kind of posts Text, Image & Videos, live stream, podcast and stories.
- Night mode : Added ability to enable / disable night mode in menu.
- Follow SystemApplication Supports follow system like instagram, twitter, tiktok.
- Edit profile: Added ability for users to change there profile photo, cover, name, username, bio, location & links. User can upload cover video & Image.
- Face filters, masks & effects: Snapchat like face filters & masks with background effects. Can click picture & reacord video with face filters, masks & effects.
- #hashtag & @mentions: Added ability for users to use #hashtag & @mentions everywhere in the app.
- Create Post: Added ability for users to add new post as text, image, video, background text, document, audio & GIF. Can add activity/feeling to the post. Set location to the post & set post privacy.
- User Profile: Added ability for users to open users profile and timelines and get there information, posts, reels & story highlights. Can poke user, block the user, report the user.
- Post Reaction: Added ability for users to react on the post.
- Post comment: Added ability for users to comment on the post. Can comment image, text & GIF. User can react on the comment. Can delete, download or copy the comment.
- Post share: Added ability for users to share post in private & group chat. Also can share to different apps.
- Post: Added ability for users to save, delete, download, copy link, report post.
- Create Reels: Added ability for users to create short video like tiktok. Can view these short video like tiktok.
- Reels: Added ability for users to like, comment, share to private & group chat, downalod, save, share to different app, copy link, delete and report reels.
- Watch party: Added ability for users to create watch party & invite groups & friends to it. Users can watch movies, videos (from youtube, dailymotion & upload from device) while chating with the friends in the party.
- Marketplace: Added ability for users to can sell or buy products from marketplace
- Create product: Added ability for users to post used/new products, upload product image, set product price, set product location<, title, description & category.
- Meetings/Room: Added ability for users to create or join Meetings/Room like zoom. User can chat in Meetings/Room with others. Can raise hands, record Meetings/Room, live stream, can share youtbe video, can screen share, can invite other in Meetings/Room. Can attend Meetings/Room while using the app.
- Private chats: Added ability for users to private chat with other user. User can send image, video, location, document, audio & GIF/Stickers in the chat.
- Group chats: Added ability for users to group chat. User can send image, video, location, document, audio & GIF/Stickers in the chat.
- Chats Indicators: Added ability for users to view lastseen of the user, typing & online indicator in group and private chat.
- One – One call: Added ability for users to video & audio call to any user. can mute mic & off the video during the call.
- Group calls: Added ability for users to video & audio call in group. can mute mic & off the video during the call.
- Groups: Added ability for users to create or join groups. User can request to join the group & admin can approve the requst. user can add/remove members int he group & can make the admin. can edit the group profile, can delete the group. Admin can make group announcemnts.
- Create Group Post: Added ability for users to add group post as text, image, video, background text, document, audio & GIF. Can add activity/feeling to the post. Set location to the post & set post privacy.
- Group Post Reaction: Added ability for users to react on the post.
- Group Post comment: Added ability for users to comment on the post. Can comment image, text & GIF. User can react on the comment. Can delete, download or copy the comment.
- Group Post share: Added ability for users to share post in private & group chat. Also can share to different apps.
- Group Post: Added ability for users to save, delete, download, copy link, report post.
- Video editor: Added ability for users to edit video.Adjustment tools for fine-tuning images and producing striking creatives.A filter library with over 60 categorized filters. The text design tool marries input-text with typography, creating modern lettering designs. Change colors or shuffle options with our randomizer function.A sticker library with emoticons and shapes and the option to add own sticker designs.
- Photo editor: Added ability for users to edit photo.Adjustment tools for fine-tuning images and producing striking creatives.A filter library with over 60 categorized filters. The text design tool marries input-text with typography, creating modern lettering designs. Change colors or shuffle options with our randomizer function.A sticker library with emoticons and shapes and the option to add own sticker designs.
- Live stream: Added ability for users to create or join live stream. User can chat with the audience in the stream. User can on/off mic & video.
- Podcast: Added ability for users to create or join live Podcast. User can chat with the audience in the Podcast. User can on/off mic.
- Stories: Added ability for users to create or view stories. User can add video & image stories. Can delete the stories, can see the count of views & can see who viewed the story. User can add stories to highlights.
- Highlight stories: Added ability for users to add or view highlight stories under profile like instagram.
- Comment on stories: Added ability for users to comment on stories which will be visible in chat.
- Trending posts: Added ability for users to view treading posts.
- Search by tag: Added ability for users to serach posts by tag.
- Search: Added ability for users to search users, groups, posts & market.
- Nearby users: Added ability for users to set location to search nearby users.
- Menu: Added ability for users to view menu.
- Notifications: Added ability for users to receive notification of like, comment posts & reels. Announcemnt from admin or groups. group alerts.Who Followed you.
- Push Notifications: Added ability for users to receive notification of like, comment posts & reels. Announcemnt from admin or groups. group alerts.Who Followed you. Group & private chat messages notifications.
- Saved: Added ability for users to view saved posts & reels.
- Blue tick: Added ability for users to get Blue tick on there profile by submitting the verification request form.
- Edit password: Added ability for users to edit their passwords.
- Edit email: Added ability for users to edit their email.
- Edit phone no.: Added ability for users to edit their phone no.
- Policy: Added ability for users to view the app Policy.
- App invitation: Added ability for users to invite other user to app.
- Logout: Added ability for users to logout.
- Translation: Added ability for users to translate app from 30+ languages.
- Referral system: Added ability for users to share Referral code and earn of every signup using that code.
- Earning system: Added ability for users to earn money for using the app.
- Wallet: Added ability for users to manage money earned.
- Withdraw of money: Added ability for users to Withdraw money they have earned.
- Dim theme: Added ability for users to switch to Dim theme.
- E-mail notification: Added ability for users to receive email notifications.
- Giphy: Added Giphy support.
- Chat Themes: Added ability for users to switch between chat themes, while chatting.
- Reply comments: Added ability for users to reply comments on posts and reels.
- Post link preview: Added ability for users to preview links.
- Like sound: Added ability for users to hear like sound.
- Delete product: Added ability for users to Delete product.
- Chat Themes: Added ability for users to switch between chat themes, while chatting.
- Report product: Added ability for users to Report product.
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