MTeams – Video Conference & Chat App | Flutter & Firebase | Android & iOS


MTeams is a Video conference application with a rich integrated chat experience, to connect with friends, family & colleagues. MTeams was built with one of the most popular mobile development systems — Flutter Framework & Firebase Backend. The app is compatible with both Android and iOS systems & it runs like a charm.

Main Features:

☑️ Modern Onboarding Screens with Fully Responsive UI Design. ☑️ Minimalist UI & Dark / Light Theme Mode. ☑️ Strong video and audio conference call. ☑️ Social login(Google Sign In & Email-Password). ☑️ Upto 2000 Active users at the same time. ☑️ Create Group / personal chats outside a meeting. ☑️ Pin messages, Delete/edit messages. Photo, Audio, Videos, GIFs via GIPHY, Chat reactions & Emojis, etc. ☑️ Reply on threads & Integrated Video rooms. ☑️ Toggle Video / Audio. ☑️ Anonymous Join In. ☑️ Chat Messages to your team members during meetings or conferences. ☑️ Share files & In meet private chat. ☑️ Share Screen, Raise Hand, Set Meeting Password. ☑️ Record the meeting. ☑️ Share Links, Broadcast Live. ☑️ Low Bandwidth mode, Minimised mode.

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