Mokets v1.0.13 Mobile Commerce iOS Full Application


“Mokets(iOS)” which is iOS Full Application with Backend Content Management System and RestFul API. Please take a look some highlight features at below:
#iOS Application Features
1. Xcode Project By Using Swift
2. Mobile Commerce App For Multiple Shops
3. Shops List
4. Categories & Sub Categories from Selected Shop
5. Items Pinterest Grid For Selected Sub Category
6. Item Detail Information
7. Gallery Images Slider
8. Like/Unlike For Item
9. Favourite/Unfavourite for Item
10. Item Review Message
11. Item Inquiry Message
12. User login and forgot password
13. New user registration
14. User Profile Management
15. Change Password
16. Searches by Keyword
17. User’s favorites item list
18. Push Notification
19. Admob Integration
20. Add To Cart
21. Basket Management
22. Payment Options (Stripe, Cash On Delivery, Bank Transfer)
23. Checkout Process
24. Transaction History
25. Stripe Payment Integration
# Backend Features
1. Super Admin can manage for all shops
2. Shop Admin can manage only specific city
3. Categories and Items Creation
4. News Feed Management
5. Manage for User Feedback data such as like, favourite
6. Manage for inquiry and review message
7. Send Push Notification to register device
8. Data Analytics with Google Chart API
9. Easy to change another language from language config file
10. Transaction Management

# APIs Integration
1. Using RestFul API with JSON to transfer data in between Mobile App and Backend

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