Modern Video Player is a extremely powerful video and audio player that supports all kind of embeddable media, from HTML5 video formats to Youtube videos, Youtube live feed, playlists, channels, Vimeo videos, albums, channels, collections to reading folders of video, audio or image files, Apple HLS and MPEG DASH live streaming, 360 virtual reality videos and images, embed any HTML into the player like Facebook videos, Google maps and much more.
Features and options:
- Destop, mobile and tablet support (fully responsive and mobile optimized buttons)
- Highly customizable with HTML and CSS!
- Written in plan Javascript which means it will run fast in your website and will not interfere with other scripts.
- Accessible / semantic elements. Player used clean HTML – uses the right elements, buttons for buttons, input range for volume and progress for progress seekbar.
- Only mp4 video format required for all browsers and devices
- Supported content sources:
- Self hosted video, audio, images
- Self hosted virtual reality 360 video, example here
- Self hosted image panorama 360
- Apple HLS Live Streaming
- MPEG DASH Live Streaming
- Youtube content:
- Single video
- Playlist
- Channel
- 360 video
- Vimeo content:
- Single video
- Showcase (formerly Album)
- Group
- Channel
- 360 video
- Amazon S3 public and private buckets with presigned url
- Folder playlist (video, audio)
- Google Drive
- One Drive
- Custom iframe (show any iframe into the player: Daily Motion, Wista, Google Maps…etc)
- XML playlist
- JSON playlist
- Playlist position:
- Right of player
- Bottom of player
- Hidden playlist (simple video)
- Thumbnail grids
- Lightbox player
- Password protected videos
- Set any frame as poster for self hosted videos
- Optional poster image for self hosted video, Youtube and Vimeo
- Option to display poster image on mobile to preserve bandwidth
- Chromecast support. Example here
- AirPlay support
- Subtitles support for any media (video, audio, Youtube, Vimeo) (vtt / srt)
- Google Analytics tracking
- Adverts support (pre-roll, mid-roll, end-roll). Play video, audio file on demand. Global adverts per playlist or individual per video, example here
- Annotation support (show / hide HTML elements including iframes over video area during playback).Support for shortcodes in annotations. Global annotations per playlist or individual per video, example here
- Popup windows support (show / hide HTML elements including iframes over video area on video pause). Popups can be useful for large data display, when focus is mainly on popup since video is paused. You can use it to display for example some iframes over video, or some user forms. Popups can also be used for displaying simple images (additionally linked to url on click), example here
- AdSense support in player (monetize your video content!)
- Show video preview on hover like Youtube thumbnails, example here
- Active item and timestamp parameters in url
- Video Chapters support (seek to specific time with presented seekbar and title), example here
- Video Chapters in window, example here
- Transcript support (show video subtitles in separate window above the playlist area, example here
- Remember playback position on page reload (active video, current time).
- Watch limit. Restict video watching time and show custom image on video end, example here
- Protect video from being downloaded using url encryption and video blobs.
- Video embedding. Embed video player in another website.
- Support for multiple instancesof video player in the same page.
- Option to mix different media types in the same playlist (you can have self hosted videos, Youtube videos, images mixed in same playlist)
- Stick to bottom on page scroll, example here
- Up next video feature, example here
- Load more videos on scroll to playlist bottom, example here
- Playlist is cached in browser to limit API requests For Youtube, Vimeo and other services and fast load on start
- Playback options:
- random playback
- loop playlist
- playback speed
- start / end time
- multiple playback qualities
- multiple audio playback qualities
- load more videos on page scroll
- on media end navigate to url
- Media end action (next, loop, rewind, show poster, show custom image, coming next videos)
- swipe video
- Picture in picture
- Set custom end screen (with your orn HTML and CSS)
- Query string parameters, load video parameters directly in browser url.
- Responsive breakpoints (hide specific buttons or player elements on small screens)
- Autoplay when video comesin viewport, example here
- Theater mode (full width video mode), example here
- Serve player as lightbox, example here
- Replace WordPress default video player (self hosted videos, youtube, vimeo)
- Media aspect ratio (original / fit-inside / fit-outside)
- Keyboard navigation
- Social sharing (facebook, twitter, tumblr… etc)
- API methods to interact with the player on runtime
- Event callbacks events during video playback
- Advert callbacks which fire when video ads play
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