Mega ISP – ISP Company Customer Management CMS 1.1


MegaISP is a responsive, user-friendly and easy ISP company customer management software. This application is developed using the procedural PHP and MySQL. Using this software or application, an ISP company can make communication with its clients or customers. Customers and support teams can communicate each other using the ticket system and customers can pay their monthly or yearly bills. The source code of this script is very easy and clean. So most of the developers can easily edit the codes. The interface is user-friendly. Non-technical users can maintain everything.


This scrupt has some awesome features. We are giving those below:

  1. Easy and simple interface
  2. Fully responsive
  3. Clean codes
  4. Direct access stopped for page
  5. Invalid url protected for page
  6. Data statistics in dashboard
  7. Customer management
  8. Support Team Member management
  9. Create, modify and delete packages by admin
  10. Create, modify and delete billing periods by admin
  11. Create, modify and delete city, area and customers
  12. Create, modify and delete support team members
  13. Payment reminder time setup
  14. Payment details and approve by admin
  15. Datewise expired connection shown to admin
  16. Manage tickets by admin
  17. Customer ticket management
  18. Support team member ticket reply system
  19. Email sending to customers and support team members by admin
  20. Export all customer and support team member data as CSV
  21. Generating payment invoice as PDF format
  22. Easy installation on server
  23. Bill Payment with PayPal, Stripe and Bank by customer
  24. Forget password option
  25. Ticket notification in email
  26. Secured against SQL injection
  27. Secured against XSS attack
  28. Secured against CSRF attack