Lowest & Highest Unique Bid | Redeem Prizes | App + Admin + Seller + Website


BidWazir is most affordable auction solution for Android App. It enables you to host Lowest as well as Highest Unique Auction App. To win Lowest Unique Bid Auctions users will need to place a bid which is Lowest as well as Unique which means only one user has placed that bid amount. For Example if all users places this bids:-
Elena places a bid of $1.59 and $2.50
Rachel places a bid of $1.01
Will places a bid of $1.01 and $2.50
Warren places a bid of $1.24
Rafae places a bid of $10.00
so the bids the server recieves are

  • 2 bids of $1.01 placed by Rachel and Will (Lowest but not Unique)
  • 1 bid of $1.24 placed by Warren (Lowest and Unique) {Winner}
  • 1 bid of $1.59 placed by Elena (Unique but not Lowest)
  • 2 bid of $2.50 placed by Elena and Will (Neither Unique nor Lowest)
  • 1 bid of $10.00 placed by Rafae (Unique but not Lowest)
    so here Warren wins the Auction as his bid was lowest as well as unique.
    now, To win Highest Unique Bid Auctions users will need to place a bid which is Highest as well as Unique which means only one user has placed that bid amount. For Example if all users places this bids :- Rafae places a bid of $30.19
    Elena places a bid of $10.59 and $21.50
    Will places a bid of $31.24 and $21.50
    Warren places a bid of $31.24
    so the bids the server recieves are
  • 1 bid of $10.59 placed by Elena (Unique but not Highest)
  • 2 bid of $21.50 placed by Elena and Will (Neither Unique nor Highest)
  • 1 bid of $30.19 placed by Rafae (Unique and Highest) {Winner}
  • 2 bid of $31.24 placed by Warren and Will (Highest but not Unique)
    so here Rafae wins the Auction as his bid was highest as well as unique.

    Highlighted Features

    • Arabic Language Support.
    • Select between Lowest or Highest Unique Bid which you want to host.
    • Multiple Payment Gateways.
    • Premium Live Auction Platform.
    • Create Unlimited Fake Users From Admin Panel.
    • Easy Documentation.
    • Premium and quick support.
    • Send Notifications to Users
  • User Features
  • Place Bid on Auctions.
  • Refer Users and Earn Coins.
  • Winning History.
  • Claim Won Items.
  • Bidding History.
  • Profile Management.
  • Privacy and TOS.
  • Coin Purchase History.
  • Notification.
  • Purchase Coin from Coin Shop.
  • and more.