Live Register – Visitor Entry Register and QR Attendance flutter mobile application with firebase


When you need to secure your registers and get authentic entries with time and person data. When customers feel pain of data security, but this app provides host it yourself with firebase. When you need to maintain register with appointment data to differentiate your conversation ratio for walk-in crowd.

  1. Set host mobile from firebase web config.
  2. One time login to access host data.
  3. Set Host Profile.
  4. Set Branch Name and Address
  5. Check Recent Entries.
  6. Realtime Unique QR generates to scan.[Fraud Protection]
  7. Realtime Scan entries.
  8. Interface to filter entries by Day/Week/Month/From-To Date Range.
  9. Visitor’s time of attend to leave session.
  10. Secure phone numbers of visitors.

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