Learning Management System Android App Using Kotlin & Firebase


L.M.S.(Learning Management System) uses Google’s firebase for managing the authentication and courses data. L.M.S. app uses firebase-storage feature to save course documents, videos & audios. Upload courses being created by admin in JSON structure.


  • Material designMaterial is an adaptable system of guidelines, components, and tools that support the best practices of user interface design
  • Neat & Clean user interfaceAn app with a neat interface helps to maintain user’s maximum focus and reduce cognitive workload.
  • Fully Responsive and easy to useThis Android Native Project is developed with fully customizable code. You can easily modify app.
  • Complete Learning Management solutionReady for upload app in playstore. You just need to upload your content to firebase database.
  • Firebase authenticationUser signup and login is implemenented using firebase email authentication.
  • Manage goals with particular courseAfter successful registration,user can select their goal from serveral courses.
  • Course/subject wise lessons.There are several subjects for particular courses which contains its lessons and subtopics.
  • Ability to upload materials like videos, audios and documents(pdf)App supports different typs of files like pdf, videos, audios in the form of url.
  • FAQs(Frequently asked questions)FAqs option for all lessons that contains important topics for particular chapter
  • Add to Favourites optionsUser can add or remove their favourite topics(videos,Audios,pdfs,Quiz questions)
  • Download & View materialApp support video,audio & pdf downloads
  • Timer bound testsThere is several categories for quiz test in particular chapters. User can attempt & practice test quiz.
  • Leaderboard after successful completion of testAfter take a quiz , user can see their result with solution.
  • Also, user can see detailed solution after taking testThere is quiz history option in which all previously attemptes test are shown.
  • Support Dark ThemeIt support dark theme.
  • Implement AdmobAdmob implemenented