Jumbo – React Admin Template with Material-UI 6.2.0


Jumbo React is a React and MUI based admin template which follows the Google’s Material Design Concept and helps you in building your React web application faster, precisely and cost effectively.

Few highlights of Jumbo

  • React, MUI 5, Redux (A solid foundation for your next project)
  • A set of 20+ highly reusable components
  • React Hooks and Context APIs (Jumbo follows the modern standards of React coding)
  • JSS based styling (No other dependency, use what Material-UI recommends)
  • Extractable Components (Extract and use selected components in an existing Material-UI Project)
  • 7 Unique Dashboards (100+ custom use as-is components)
  • 10+ Layout Options (Simply start with a layout your application requires)
  • Easily customizable theme
  • and much more…

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