This is an extremely powerful audio player and supports all kind of embeddable media, from HTML5 audio formats to RSS Podcasts, Soundcloud music, to automatically reading folders of songs including ID3 metadata. Reading Google Drive and One Drive folders, Amazon S3 public and private buckets and more…
Features and options:
- Destop, mobile and tablet support (fully responsive and mobile optimized buttons)
- Highly customizable with HTML and CSS!
- Written in plan Javascript which means it will run fast in your website and will not interfere with other scripts.
- Only mp3 audio format required for all browsers and devices (other supported formats include wav, aac, flac… etc)
- Supported content sources:
- Audio playlist
- Podcasts RSS
- SoundCloud
- Playlist from folder of mp3 files (read ID3 metadata)
- Google Drive
- One Drive
- Apple HLS Live Streaming m3u8
- XML playlist
- JSON playlist
- Amazon S3 public and private buckets with presigned url and Cloudfront
- Youtube audio and video music (video id, playlist id)
- Song variations support. Player can display multiple version of a song in playlist. For example, you can have 3 songs in playlist, and each song can have multiple variations (long version, short version etc…), example here
- Advanced song statistics for WordPress player version (count plays, likes, downloads) and display them in playlist next to song list. WordPress version includes full admin panel where user can view all audio statistics for each player and playlist.
- Display lyrics while audio plays, example here
- Password protected songs
- Restrict content in WordPress for logged in users and specific user roles.
- Crossfade audio between current and next playing song, example here
- Google Analytics tracking
- Adverts support. Play audio adverts before, during and after main songs plays. Global adverts per playlist or individual per song, example here
- IMA adverts support, example here
- Remember playlist position on page reload (active song, current time).
- Protect song urls with url encryption and blobs.
- Audio embedding. Embed audio player in another website.
- Accordion mode. Player can display accordion list of songs, example here
- Grid mode. Grid skins can create thumbnail grid in page, example here
- Support for multiple instancesof audio player in the same page.
- Option to mix different media types in the same playlist (you can have self hosted audio, Podcast, and Soundcloud mixed in same playlist)
- Custom playlist icons. Create any number of custom icons in playlist and attach url to each icon
- Playback options:
- random playback
- loop playlist
- playback speed
- start / end time
- Media end action (go to next song / loop current song)
- Query string parameters, load audio parameters directly in browser url.
- Responsive breakpoints (hide specific buttons or player elements on small screens)
- Replace WordPress default audio player
- Keyboard navigation
- Social sharing (facebook, twitter, tumblr… etc)
- Play music continously across web pages:
- by remembering playback position
- with option to open player is a separate popup window
- API methods to interact with the player on runtime
- Event callbacks events during audio playback
- Advert callbacks which fire when audio ads play
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