HR Payroll module for Perfex CRM 1.0.9


HR Payroll module allows you to pay your employees quickly and correctly every time you run payroll. The right system can shave hours off your payroll process, help you pay payroll taxes, and comply with labor laws.

Module Features

  1. Employee Profile Management
  2. Attendance Information Management
  3. Commission Information Management
  4. Salary Deductions
  5. KPI Bonus
  6. Insurance Management
  7. Income Taxes Management
  8. Payslip Template Management
  9. Payslips Management
  10. Settings:
    • Income Tax Rates
    • Income Tax Rebates
    • Earnings List
    • Salary Deductions List
    • Insurance List
    • Payroll Columns Management
    • Data Integration
    • Permissions Management
  11. Report:
    • Payroll Report
    • Income Summary Report
    • Insurance Cost Summary Report
    • Payroll Overview (Chart)
    • Payroll Department Overview (Chart)
  12. Integration: master data can be imported from data files or can be synchronized with modules

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