Hobbies – Social Full Flutter App With Chat | Web Admin Panel | GetX | Hive 1.2.3


Find your Hobbies. Together. Running well both Android & iOS. Admob Google Ready. Powered by Erhacorp.ID

1. Intro (Boarding) Screen
2. Account Management. Login with Phone
3. Sign In, Sign Up. (Forgot Password is a template only)
4. HomePage (User Profile, Best Popular, My Hobby, Following, Latest Post,)
5. FloatingButton HomePage is Share A Post (new post) and Report, Delete Post
6. Category Grid Screen
7. Search Page (with suggestion list, and latest post)
8. My Hobby Category Grid Screen, with Interest Ratio Percentages
9. Following Detail Grid Screen 4 columns
10. Latest Detail Listview with Complex UI
11. Like, Comment, Download, Peoples interest circular stack.
12. Dual Language (Indonesia, English), easy to customize
13. Dual Theme, Dark and Light Theme
14. Favorite, Posts StaggeredGrid Screen
15. Update Profile, Photo Picker
16. Follow, UnFollow, Followings, Followers
17. Join, UnJoin (Leave) Category Group
18. PhotoView zoom and write a comment
19. Find More, Read More, Animation FadeUp
20. Post by Category, Profile Members Page
21. Single Chat One-to-One Ready
22. Running well both Android & iOS
23. Free Lifetime Update Version

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