“Grocers” Multivendor Grocery Stores with Flutter + Owner + Driver + Website + flutter 2.x


“Grocers” is Multi – Store grocery which is complete solutions created with google flutter

Application Key Features:

  • Multivendor Grocery Stores.
  • Multivendor Stores
  • Flutter Dart Programming
  • Works on both the platform smoothly
  • Multiple Animations
  • Hero Animations
  • Parallax Animations
  • Sliding Animations
  • Floating Action Button Animations.
  • List and Grid view Animations
  • Google map with located Stores.
  • Google Place picker Functionalities for Add new address.
  • Google Place Picker for searching for new Stores nearby you or away from you.
  • Clean & organised code.
  • MVC Design pattern.
  • BLoC Functionality for API call.
  • Multiple Screens with well-structured formate
  • Stripe Payment gateway.
  • Braintree with PayPal and card payment gateway.
  • COD and Pay to Pick up functionality.
  • Firebase push notification.
  • Login & registration functionality.
  • Login with Facebook and Gmail design functionality.
  • Map explorations.
  • Product details with Store details.
  • Search Functionality
  • Cart Functionality
  • Address list with adding new address functionality.
  • Logout functionality
  • Order list and Order details functionalities.
  • Reorder Functionalities.
  • Order Tracking Design Functionalities.
  • The main Dashboard screen.
  • Floating action button animations for select category and subcategory.


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