Fives | Android Universal Word Game Template


Fives is a 5-letter word game where you have rush and make as many words as you can within the game timer. Every time you match a word the timer decreases its time. It has the possibility to add multiple languages, the User Guide explains how to localize the game and set up lists of words for different languages. The device will detect its current language and show the words accordingly. Words are stored in strings.xml files based on selected language.

Fives | Android Universal Word Game Template - 15

  • Android Studio 4.x – Universal – Android 10+
  • AdMob banners
  • Multi-language
  • Share best scores on social apps installed on your device
  • Easily create your own 5-letter words list
  • PDF User Guide included
  • PSD graphics included
  • Easy to customize, well commented code