Fill Up Water – Html5 (Construct3)


Fill Up Water: do better? – a game with physics gameplay elements which is a combination of arcade and puzzle. And so, in each level you have to fill out a complex form with water, and only in this case, you will be able to see the figure in three-dimensional models. It is necessary to correctly assess the volume of the mold and the time to cut off the flow of water. If at the beginning levels, the task may seem quite simple, however, as the complexity of shapes and objects, everything becomes much more difficult.

Featured  game.

– The game is made with construct3 and no other 3rd party libraries are used

– The game is optimized to play on mobile and windows…

– Compatible with all the most popular web browsers today

– File include document, source html5 game, File Construct3

– Finger touch support game and mouse pc

– Documention change skin …

– Screens Include: Game Play , Game Home,Game Lose, Game Pause….

– We receive upgrades and develop more features of the game

– We ready upload game on server

– We are ready to add Ads SDK or Game ID fast.