Facit | React Admin Dashboard Template (Create React App, Vite or NextJs) 4.2.0


React admin dashboard template prepared using Bootstrap 5.3.0 and React 17 & 18. There are monthly, weekly, daily and agenda formatted calendars for rental services. It is ready for your service in accordance with React Apexchart design so that you can present your data with graphics. You can use it in full compatibility with the most preferred Formik, which will make your work easier for the setting screens in the forms. Apart from that, it will be sufficient to specify your conditions for validation processes.


  • React 17.0.2 & 18.2.0 [NEW]
  • Create React App 5+ [NEW] or Vite 4+ [NEW] or NextJS 13+[NEW]
  • React Router Dom 6 [NEW]
  • React Context
  • Storybook
  • Over 80 React hooks
  • Bootstrap 5.3.0 [NEW] (Custom-made changeable components for Facit)
  • Material Icons (Duotone)
  • SVG Icons (Limitless)
  • SCSS (sass – Works on Mac with M1 processors.)
  • Formik
  • Apexchart
  • React Big Calendar
  • React Date Range
  • Popper
  • Framer Motion 10 [NEW]
  • React Big Calendar
  • React Number Format
  • React i18n
  • React JSS
  • More…

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