Easy LMS – Library Management System


Easy LMS – Library Management System we provide is developed as a reasource planning system for any type of library. It’s basically made to track records of books owned, issued, lost, fine to be collected etc . It’s a web based system which will help you manage everything associated with a library in a more effecient way.

Admin Panel:
  • Dashboard (graphical reports)
  • General settings
  • Member management
  • Book management (book categories and books )
  • Circulation management (Issue / Return books)
  • Auto search books using barcodes (Sync from Google books API)
  • Reports (Issue,Return,Lost,Out of stock etc…)
  • Notify members by Email
  • Advanced book search
  • Change Password
  • Control Maximum issue days and minimum issue days
  • Control fine to students as well as members seperately
  • Easily customizable and secure.

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