Cut The Buttons – Html5 (Construct3)


Just how crafty are you? Cut the Buttons reimagines the classic match-three game and introduces a strategic operation based upon finding like patterns as well as colors. Your goal is to snip away the buttons from the fabric. To make this game of skill and logic even more challenging, you can never snip away only one button at at time, so your ability to strategize the entire piece of cloth and buttons from the moment you see it becomes critical to your success. Intermediate to advanced match-three players will be captivated by Cut the Buttons as they take on new levels of puzzling.

Featured  game.

– The game is made with construct3 and no other 3rd party libraries are used

– The game is optimized to play on mobile and windows…

– Compatible with all the most popular web browsers today

– File include document, file .c3p, source html5 game

– Finger touch support game and mouse pc

– Documention change skin …

– Screens Include: Game Play , Game Home,Game Lose, Game Pause

– We receive upgrades and develop more features of the game

– We ready upload game on server

– We are ready to add Ads SDK or Game ID fast.