Cookbook is a native Android app full of recipes. With this template you can create your own recipe application with beautiful design and animations! It is quick, easy and affordable. Cookbook app has many clever built-in features.
- Developed with Android Studio & Gradle
- Support for KitKat (Android 4.4) and newer
- Material design following Android Design Guidelines
- List of recipes
- Recipe detail screen (intro, ingredients, instruction)
- Simple no-server solution (no need to pay for backend and maintain it)
- Data (categories, recipes, ingredients) is stored in local SQLite database
- AdMob (adaptive banners and interstitial ad)
- Firebase Cloud Messaging (push notifications)
- Firebase Analytics
- GDPR compliant (European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation)
- Splash screen (launch screen)
- Navigation drawer menu with categories
- Search for recipe with suggestion
- Favorite recipes
- Ingredients check list
- Recalculate quantity of ingredients by servings
- Convert calories to joules
- Kitchen timer
- Open web link of the recipe
- Share recipe or shopping list
- About dialog
- In-app review dialog
- Rate app on Google Play
- Privacy policy link
- Images can be loaded from the Internet or locally
- Caching images
- App works in offline mode
- Eight color themes (blue, brown, carrot, gray, green, indigo, red, yellow)
- Animations and effects
- Animated action bar
- Animated floating action button
- Parallax scrolling effect
- Quick return effect
- Ripple effect
- Responsive design and tablet support (portrait, landscape, handling orientation change)
- Support for vector drawables and high-resolution displays (xxxhdpi)
- Multi-language support
- Deep links
- Top quality clean code created by experienced senior Android developer
- Easy configuration
- Well documented
- Free support
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