Chat GPT-3 OpenAI – Ask The Oracle – HTML 5 / 14 June 2023


This is an HTML5 template that integrates with the Chat GPT APIs. Our goal is to provide an easy-to-use and highly customizable API code that allows you to train and add your own artificial intelligence solutions to the prompts.

Our product is customizable, allowing you to add or modify intelligent AI through prompts. With the aim of providing creative responses, our intelligent model with Chat GPT uses the theme of astrology to provide users with nine intelligent oracle prompts that include: Dream Meaning, My Zodiac Information, Tarot Reading (Major Arcana), Get Your Numerology Reading, Know Your Vocational Map, Discover Your Power Animal, Create your birth chart, Love Calculator and Chinese Zodiac.


  • Easy to customize
  • Clear documentation
  • Responsive (compatible with mobile)
  • No need for any database
  • Add and modify artificial intelligence through a JSON file
  • Option to delete conversations
  • Option to save conversations
  • Advanced models used: GPT 3.5 Turbo and text-davinci003
  • DALL•E 2 API integration: create images during conversations

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