Camping Adventure Game – HTML5,Construct3


Snake Ladder is a classic board game that has been enjoyed by generations of players. In this version, the snakes have been replaced with waterfalls and a new element has been added – bombs.

In this game, players roll a dice to determine the number of spaces they can move on the board. If a player lands on a space at the bottom of a waterfall, they will move down the board to the space at the top of the waterfall. However, if a player lands on a space at the top of a waterfall, they will move down to the space at the bottom of the waterfall. This adds an element of chance and surprise to the game.

The addition of bombs adds a new level of challenge to the game. If a player lands on a space with a bomb, they will be forced to start again from the beginning of the board. This can be a frustrating setback, but it also adds excitement and unpredictability to the game.

Finally, if a player lands on a space with a cage, they will be trapped and lose their turn. This adds a strategic element to the game, as players must decide whether to risk moving onto a cage space or playing it safe and avoiding it.

Overall, this version of Snake Ladder is a fun and exciting twist on the classic game. The addition of waterfalls, bombs, and cages adds new challenges and keeps players engaged and entertained.


  • Source file (HTML5,c3p)
  • 720×1080px
  • Cross-platform
  • Beautiful graphics
  • Full features
  • Bomb, trap.
  • Clean layout

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