AWS Amazon S3 – Ultimate Personal File Manager


AWS Amazon S3 File Manager allows you to manage all your buckets and files with a convenient interface without logging in to your AWS Account. Fully manage file storage classes and access rights. You can view your audio and image files directly without downloading them first. It also allows you to create team members and provide per bucket(s) access(es). With Native S3 Multipart Upload feature you can also upload a single object as a set of parts or multiple objects as a set of parts in at the same time. After all parts of your object are uploaded, Amazon S3 then presents the data as a single object. With this feature you can create parallel uploads easily.

Amazon S3 provides you virtually unlimited cloud storage space. Maximum single upload file can be up to 5TB in size. AWS Amazon S3 File Transfer allows you generate private signed URLs with the custom adjustable expiration time for the uploaded files and share with the users via links of send it in an emails. You can also save storage cost with setting up automatic deletion of files at AWS Console.

Features of Amazon S3 Personal File Manager:

  1. Manage Files in Folders and Buckets
  2. Create/Delete/Empty/Configure Bucket Features
  3. Create/Delete Folders Feature
  4. Possibility of changing S3 Storage Classes of files easily
  5. Change file access permissions easily
  6. Fast and Secure Uploading to S3 Bucket
  7. Copy/Move Files to other Folders or Buckets
  8. Create and Manage Team Members
  9. Direct Upload from your Browser to S3 Bucket
  10. Multiple Parallel Uploads with custom File Chunks
  11. All Uploads with Native Multipart Feature
  12. Integrated Image Viewer for most common image extensions
  13. Integrated Audio Player for most common audio extensions
  14. Integrated Video Player for most common video extensions
  15. Send Private Signed Download links via Email
  16. Set Custom Expiration Time for Private Signed URLs
  17. Direct File Link Download
  18. Progress Bar to track Upload Progresses
  19. Amazon CloudWatch Data Metric Analytics
  20. Potentially Unlimited Storage Space
  21. Fully Responsive Design
  22. Quick and Quality Support
  23. Detailed Online Documentation