Look no further than our new astrology app! Our app includes mobile apps for both customers and partners, who can be astrologers, counselors, or subject experts. With our ready-made system, you can launch your very own astrology app in no time and start earning money immediately.
Here’s an updated list of features:
1. Flutter Mobile apps for both customers and partners, who can be astrologers, counselors or subject experts
2. Fully functional backend developed in Laravel
3. Audio and video calling system with astrologers powered by Agora
4. Instant messaging system powered by Firebase
5. Daily horoscope feature that allows users to check their horoscope on a daily basis
6. Kundli builder that allows users to build and share their kundli as well as their family and friend’s kundli
7. Matchmaking feature that allows users to match their kundli with others and share the results with anyone they choose
8. Live streaming for astrologers
9. Booking system for appointments with astrologers
10. Gift sending feature for customers to send tokens of appreciation to astrologers
11. Review system for customers to rate and review astrologers based on their experience
12. Commission system for app owner to earn on every transaction
13. E-commerce functionality to sell astrology-related products
14. Admin can set different commission rates for all astrologers or default set for all
15. Wallet feature: users can recharge their wallet to use app features like chat, audio or video call.
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