Android Whats Web – Whatsapp all tools App (Version -2)


Whatsweb Would you like to open two account in same device or same account in multiple devices then Whatsweb app for you. Now you can use same account in multiple device.

Whatsweb app is the best Whatstools app which contains various tools like Whats Web, Status Story Saver, Direct Chat, Whats Sticker, QR Code Generator And Scanner etc. Get all these tools Whats Web, Status Saver or Status Downloader, Whats Direct Chat – Direct Chat without saving numbers, Sticker Maker, etc in this Whats Web Scan app.

Main Extra Key Feature of Whats web App:

Use Whats web scan by scanning code

Whats web app in Message Read / Replay and Send

Whats web app in Images / Videos Download and Forward

Whats web automatically sync all the chat messages.

You can open and read any chat from this Whats web app.

You can replay to any of your friend and get response back.