Advanced Custom Fields for ClassiPress


The Advanced Custom Fields for ClassiPress(ACFCP) plugin is a powerful tool for extending the ClassiPress theme.

It allows you to add and completely control extra Profile fields and custom Ad fields. Also ACFCP Plugin  allows the interaction of custom profile fields with custom ad fields and vice versa.

ACF adds many of the most requested features for ClassiPress:

  • Extra profile fields
  • Different types of profile fields
  • Formats of ad and profile fields (including Date Field with fully customizable Datepicker and validation of input values)
  • Transform of ad and profile fields values (Capitalize, UPPERCASE, lowercase)
  • Private fields (private allows only the author and administrators to see an ad or profile field while hiding it from other visitors and search engines)
  • Display fields only for logged-in users
  • Limit the number of input symbols, words
  • Field formats validation and restrictions
    Double-checking of Ad fileds and Profile fields during registration and editing
    Checking occurs on the client side, and then on the server side
    This provides advanced protection for your site from uninvited guests
    Validation of fields on the client side allows the user to obtain accurate and structured information on the ad
  • Custom validation messages (edit messages in your language and help your users fill forms properly)
  • Default values for all fields
  • Inherit values of the profile field in the ad field
  • Control output fields on the various pages and forms:
    • Registration user form
    • Edit profile form
    • Author’s page
    • User sidebar
    • Single ad page (usual field list)
    • Single ad page separated area (style customizable block)
    • Poster tab in Ad sidebar
    • Ad Loops after title
    • Ad Loop after description
    • New ad form
    • Edit ad form
  • Ability to add custom CSS styles to fields output
  • Ability to add the patch CSS files to be compatible with the style of your child theme
  • Plugin settings can be exported to INI file, or imported from another file
  • Compatible with WPML plugin
  • Compatible with WordPress Multisite.
  • Has own documented API

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