Advance Classified Search Engine App + Web


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Advanced classified app extends from providing address and contact details of business establishments around the country, to making contact and gathering information for, medical, financial, travel, school, restaurant, hotels, banks, mall, shopping store etc. and domestic purposes. We enlist business information across varied sectors like Hotels, Restaurants, Auto Care, Home Decor, Personal and Pet Care, Fitness, Insurance, Real Estate, Sports, Schools, etc. from all over the country. Holding information right from major cities. In Advance classified app ‘Free Listing’ feature gives user can manage his business details through App, App and Web as well as, create a space for you to share your experiences through our ‘Rate & Review’ feature. This all allow user to get best deals with his business. also user can find best deal.

1. Business classified by categories 2. Business Nearby feature with filter option is given 3. Business detailed information, Map Location 4. Business Products catalogue and details 5. Ratings and reviews for business 6. User Menu in app User can handle “Free Posting” add his own business to app, also manage products catalogue details 7. Advance search option with categories and cities 8. FCM Notification added. 9. CodeIgnitor Backend and website code.