Fanzone template has a user-friendly interface that allows users to easily navigate through the app and find the content they are interested in. The app is built with high-quality code and follows best practices in app development to ensure stability and reliability. Fanzone is a flexible and customizable social media app that lets users share images, videos, and stories. It includes group chatting, paid posts, and a fully-featured user app with great UI designs. It’s an excellent choice for anyone looking to create a service provider app, with a modern design and easy customization options.
List of screens
- Splash Screen
- Enter Phone Number Screen
- Create Account Screen
- OTP Verification Screen
- Home Comment Screen
- Home No Paid Screen
- Home Paid Screen
- Home Confirmation Screen
- Search Screen
- Stories Screen
- Stories Screen
- Send Gift Screen
- Add Coin Screen
- Payment Screen
- Coin Added Screen
- Message Screen
- Chat Screen
- Notification Screen
- My Profile Screen
- Other Profile Screen
- Post/Story Uplode Screen
- Post Info Screen
- Select Options Screen
- Edit Profile Screen
- Select Options Screen
- Push Notifications Screen
- Push Notifications Screen
- Help & Support Screen
- Terms & Conditions Screen
- Select Language Screen
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