Crumble – Enterprise Cloud Storage – Scalable File Hosting Script – Node.js, React, MongoDB, GridFS 2.2.0


Crumble is a file storage system with enterprise security, it is NoSQL-based and it can scale to infinity. You will have your own API for both public and private file storage. On top of all that, a loving responsive admin panel to manage and search through your files and apps!


Crumble offers a lot of features, we encourage you to try them all out in the demo app!

  • File management system: upload, search, update, delete
  • Enhanced security: long shielded id for public files
  • Enhanced security: expiring signature for private files
  • User managament system: create, search, edit, delete
  • Have multiple admin users
  • Preview images, videos and pdf files
  • Copy the URL to clipboard and share your files!
  • Argon2 best-in-class user password hashing
  • Detailed and powerful REST API
  • API keys and API docs
  • Postman collection and environment
  • URL shortner
  • IPv6 support
  • Infinite scalability with MongoDB sharding
  • Region flag for sharding
  • Infinite redundancy with MongoDB replica sets

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