Ticketing Expert – Help desk system with email piping 1.6.0


Ticketing Expert Laravel App is a help desk system designed for small to medium sized companies. Customers could open tickets after creating an account, and staffs can reply to the tickets.


  • 1. Department wise tickets
  • 2. Private and Internal notes
  • 3. Canned Responses
  • 4. Import tickets from email using IMAP
  • 5. Staffs to department assignment
  • 6. Email notification for ticket opening and ticket reply
  • 7. Multi language support
  • 8. Ticket Tags
  • 8. Permissions
  • 9. KB and FAQs
  • 10. email campaign feature
  • 11. Announcements
  • 12. Ticket Feedback
  • 13. Advanced Staff Permissions
  • 13. Convert Ticket to KB Article
  • 14. Multiple Themes

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