Doctor Listing Script With Android App and Web App


Doctor Listing an app which gives patient and doctor a platform to get connected on web and mobile platform. Doctors can register into the app, can add their specialty as well as their address, contact information, fees, experience, qualification and the timing of their availability. Doctors get registered depending on the category and sub-category which Admin manages from a powerful backend. The patient can register into the app and can locate the doctors depending on the categories, can see the contact information of a doctor, and have the option to add a doctor as a favourite.


  • Android studio version 3.0.1 Supported
  • Minimum Android app version 5.0
  • Minimum iOS app version 8.0
  • Manage Doctors (Add, Edit, Delete)
  • Manage Patients (Add, Edit, Delete)
  • Manage Categorys (Add, Edit, Delete)
  • Manage Sub-categorys (Add, Edit, Delete)
  • Manage Clinics (Add, Edit, Delete)
  • Manage Specializations (Add, Edit, Delete)
  • Manage Subscription plans (Add, Edit)
  • View Appointments
  • Add to favourite
  • View Review and Ratings
  • View Transaction details
  • Powerful Appointment booking system
  • Add/Edit custom fields for doctor’s profile and user profile from admin panel
  • Multiple Language support and dynamically control from Admin panel
  • Dynamic Revenue Model (Free and Subscription plan bases)
  • Paypal Integration (In Web version)
  • SMS Alerts and push notification
  • Search by Location
  • Edit Email Templates form admin
  • Chat support
  • Ads Integration (google adsense, Ad-mob, Custom)
  • SEO
  • Google Analytics

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