Igloo – Social Community Platform


Simple registration / login screen where users can signup or login in seconds, includes password reset, privacy policy and terms and conditions links.


  • Compatible with android versions 7, 8, 9,10,11,12,13
  • Single activity, clean code with comments, easy to customize
  • Fully native android (Kotlin), UI (XML) and webserver (PHP/MySQL) source code
  • Simple account registration and login
  • Create unlimited user posts, add text, upload short videos, images, youtube, tags
  • Create unlimited communities/categories/subgroups
  • Search communities/categories/subgroups
  • View communities/categories/subgroups and posts created by other users
  • Subscribe to different communities/categories/subgroups.
  • Upvote/downvote, bookmark and report user posts
  • Follower system to follow/unfollow users
  • User account details, post history, comment history, rank, date joined, follower count and list of users following
  • Chat messenger to send private messages
  • Add comments to user posts
  • Upvote or downvote user comments
  • Hide profile and block or unblock other users
  • Edit user posts and comments
  • Delete user posts, comments and account
  • Swipe and refresh user feeds
  • NativeAds admob integration
  • Avatar upload
  • Newest and popular social feeds with infinity scroll
  • Built in light and dark themes
  • Includes admin panel

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