Foodsto | Grocery & Food Store Hbs, Scss & Html Theme


Foodsto is a perfect theme if you are willing to create a personal online food store. It is ideal for organic food and Fresh farm vegetables store websites projects. With a clean, minimal, and fresh design your website will look great on all devices. Start your simple food store website easily and start selling online without any hassle.

Main Features

  • Creative and Modern Design
  • Built with HTML, Sass, Handlebars (HBS), Gulp
  • Gsap (GreenSock) Javascript plugin used for animations
  • Clean Code
  • Fully Responsive
  • Hover Effects
  • Moveable Effect
  • Easy To Customise
  • Cross Browser Optimisation
  • HTML5 & CSS3 Validated
  • Google Fonts Included
  • Sticky Navigation
  • And much more….

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